Here's another recent work of mine, a lighthearted contrast to the brooding fugue in E minor, this one is full of relentless energy and fun. Perhaps a little too relentless, I've been told. Pacing is one area I need to work on, in future works. :-D
I don't mean to flood the forum with my own work, but Kris specifically asked for the score to this one, so here it is. Plus midi playback, for your listening convenience, though it is already available under the Music section. Hope you enjoy listen
Three cacophonous cheers for Kristofer for getting CF rolling again!
This is my latest. The subject - the Idea of an apparition - huanted me, steered me (compositionally), - maybe even frightened me Haha - from one moment to the next.
Ear rating warning: this piece is highly dissonant, and may cause your ears to bleed and your sensibilities to be wounded. Listen at your own peril! (Though fortunately, the ordeal only lasts for about 1 minute 32 seconds, so a visit to the hospital
A piece long since finished and recorded, but have at it if you don't like it and enjoy if you do. It broadly follows the strictures of fauxbourdon, a triadic form of medieval choral harmony where - very generally - the top and middle lines unison to
I've never worked on a piece of music for as long as i've worked on this. I hope it shows, and I appreciate any and all feedback. The score in the video is still unedited, so apologies for any difficulty reading. I've been a member on the old forum f
Hey gang, I posted this at the tip end of the previous incarnation of this site. A few here may have heard it. It is in a Rondo form, loosely. There is a tinge of 'modern' I suppose, but in the end it succumbs to a variant of rocknroll :) just for fu
Barring experienced humans willing to put up with my stupid questions, this has helped me more than anything else. Almost all major instruments a composer is likely to be writing for, with video and audio detailing the
This piece is done and dusted but seeing that it has cropped up in another thread, I thought I might as well post it. I'm always happy to hear good, indifferent and bad critiques from fellow composers so I hope some of you can find the time to have
I wrote a short, heavily bleak piece for piano at the end of 2021 and the wonderful pianist Erica Sipes included it in one of her live sightreading streams. I can't add .pdfs to show the score, but her performance raised some issues in my notation wh
I guess I'll post this again - I posted it on the old version of the forum a little while before it disappeared. My first attempt at writing for wind quintet, a piece I finished a couple of weeks ago.
I've posted this on the previous version of this forum before, but since all past content appears to have vanished into the ether, I thought I'd repost this to get things started again. Hope that's OK.