I am music
Activity Feed
Anyone here live near Colorado State University? They're putting on a concert of British string works this Sunday and including my tone poem Hiraeth. They paid for the score and parts and everything. Full details here.Hiraeth itself can be heard…
"As music I think it's very good, excellent in places (and where it needs to be) - completely appropriate to the visual tone and perfectly filmic. The judicious use of live-recorded parts elevates it further. I could nitpick a couple of moments in…"
"I was in a group once where posting your music was only allowed once a week, and you had to listen and comment on another's post to justify your own. It fostered a good environment, in some some respects.
I don't mind talking about this forum…"
I don't mind talking about this forum…"
"Given there's never a shortage of new music, I personally would welcome a few more of the latter members - as long as they actually know what they're talking about - who post no music but can give good feedback. It balances better, in my opinion at…"
"You're acting as if I will be appalled at the idea I was being condescending - and as if that condescension is justification for you ignoring the valid point made. Your posts and comments are overwhelmingly concerned with your own music and needs…"
Let's get into some engraving/notation nerdery, shall we? For context, as some of you know, I'm self-taught and have had to piece together my knowledge of engraving by querying more experienced musos and studying scores. Hence this may be plainly…
"Guy: this forum doesn't seem very active
Me: you should reply more to other people to create activity
Guy: this is unconscionable aggression"
Me: you should reply more to other people to create activity
Guy: this is unconscionable aggression"
"I would call it necessary condescension myself. "
"Re the forum's activity, I did some research. Since you joined:
30+ pieces have been posted. You've commented on two of them.
You've made nine posts, some on the same day, five of which are your own music. You have commented on no-one else's but…"
30+ pieces have been posted. You've commented on two of them.
You've made nine posts, some on the same day, five of which are your own music. You have commented on no-one else's but…"
"My point would be that even genuine critique is often insulting, especially to new composers. You've got to a point where you can achieve a little, but not to the point where you can *really* hear and understand what you've done, so you take it…"
"Could you quote some of the abuse you've had, or criticism you felt was abusive?"
"A quick method to check, since you play guitar iirc, is to tune it to the right intervals and then fret the shapes yourself. If they're awkward to you, they will be to the string player. Fifths, for example, are very playable. Outside that, there…"
"Guy, I implore you not to rigorously follow Rowy's advice: "Harmony should result from voice-leading, not the other way around. Never start with harmony or a chord progression. Instead, go with the flow and let the voices guide you."
It's a…"
It's a…"
"Always heartening to read that Most Composers Suck At Engraving. It's a surprise to me, despite the awful scores and parts I've seen on here (and contributed to myself, if that makes anyone feel less insulted) but my focus has always been to be able…"
"It happened because the technology to create a fairly realistic audio sample improved dramatically and quickly enough that there is really no reason *not* to include one, especially for new or little-known works. "
"I remember. I said it just to vex you. You DISGUST me! Stick to purely tonal music like the lord our god intended! "
I asked a lot of questions until I got good but there's always more questions to discover
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