Anyone here live near Colorado State University? They're putting on a concert of British string works this Sunday and including my tone poem Hiraeth. They paid for the score and parts and everything.
This forum seems to have gone completely to sleep -- either the participants aren't writing anything (and most members are making no contribution at all) or they don't want to share what they're doing. I have yet to start on a new work but perhaps to
After reading Dave Dexter’s latest comments in the other thread, I realized I haven’t shared much of my work lately.The main reason is that I’ve been in a period of intense study and haven’t written much beyond a few 'academic exercises.' I did compl
After getting -- for the time being at any rate -- a computer I can actually do some music on, I decided to write a short piece to use my "Christmas present" -- a curious alto library from Orchestral Tools courtesy of their voucher. It's purely exper
What is your experience of receiving criticism as a composer and how has it changed over time.I’m still near the start of my journey, and have had some amazingly valuable pointers and advice from posting my music on forums and asking for feedback. B
Let's get into some engraving/notation nerdery, shall we? For context, as some of you know, I'm self-taught and have had to piece together my knowledge of engraving by querying more experienced musos and studying scores. Hence this may be plainly obv
I’m a fairly new composer (7 months in) and I’m finding that there’s one thing I’m REALLY struggling with. Adding dynamics to my music in Cubase is proving really hard for me. I don’t seem to have any aptitude for programming, and I find myself spend
6 months into my composing journey, I've finally attempted a short allegro movement for the first time. Is it normal that it's SO much more work than a slower piece?
It's the opening to my 5th String Quintet, and includes also includes double stops fo
Hi - I've just bought VSL Solo Voices, and thought that a good way to learn to write for voices might be to make an unusual cover of a well-known song. I've chosen "If I Fell" by The Beatles.
However, as the cover is so differently arranged from the
Does anyone resonate or identify with the way of composing described in this video -
If anyone would like to participate in this journey in any way (details in the video), it would be great to hear from you. If not, hopefull, we'll have more videos
I've started this thread so as to not further derail Guy's thread re intuituve composing.
This post is a result of my and David's discussion about the use of technique whilst composing, i.e. using craft. I said I'd post some examples from how I use t
I present another work from the "Intuitive Factory" to be ignored or listened to as you see fit. This time it's a rather neoclassical string quartet which is officially actually in C major, though this key first appears only in the second subject rec
Have you ever written music for Halloween or created music suitable for the occasion? This is your chance to scare the hell out of us with your creativity.
I humbly present the 3rd and final movement of my Piano Concerto No 2, a boisterous jaunt through a fugue, which becomes a gigue, slows down to an arabesque type dance, and then becomes an all-out romp, and that's just the preview! Hope to lift your