All Discussions (78)

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Why do you write music?

I'll go first. I like to make things—not to express myself, but because I want to understand how things work. By writing music, I get to see the layers underneath. How does a brain work? After decades of profound drinking and thinking, I realized tha

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4 Replies · Reply by HS Teoh Jul 8
Views: 62

Serenade for Strings

as this forum seems to have died recently, I feel obliged to post something new. Well actually, it isn't really new but my String Serenade has been redone with a new chamber strings library and for the most part, I like the result. The piece is a bit

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17 Replies · Reply by HS Teoh Jun 19
Views: 179

string quartet no. 13

I fairly recently completed my latest chamber work. Like with the 12th, this finishes with a consolatory adagio as its heart, though this time it's a bit more complex and starts with a variant of the main motif of the first movement which is highly c

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7 Replies · Reply by Rowy May 19
Views: 99

I'm on the radio soon. Bonzer!

My piece Callisto is being played on the Californian classical music station Classical KUSC on Friday 3rd, around 8am PDT on Jennifer Miller Hammel's morning show (4pm GMT for UK people, and google will sort it out for anyone else). If there's enough

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8 Replies · Reply by Rowy May 9
Views: 104

Some oboe recording on

I'll start posting the full movements on here eventually, but I've finished (in the protracted finalising of parts and scores now) a large symphonic suite of four tone poems written for the Galilean moons of Jupiter. In a fit of inventiveness I named

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2 Replies · Reply by David Apr 17
Views: 59

Piano Nocturnes 6-9

I've never bothered putting up my limited forays into solo piano music up on the web before as I was never very happy with my endeavours. And piano music is anyway the most commonly posted form by amateurs. But the latest set of four works seems to m

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14 Replies · Reply by David Apr 8
Views: 150

new additions to my Requiem

one of the forms of music least often heard on forums seems to be choral music -- especially of a sacred nature.The situation is not helped by the fact that only one company, EWQL, has actually bothered to create choirs that can sing free text in a s

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3 Replies · Reply by David Mar 3
Views: 84

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