Salu lament

After getting -- for the time being at any rate -- a computer I can actually do some music on, I decided to write a short piece to use my "Christmas present" -- a curious alto library from Orchestral Tools courtesy of their voucher. It's purely experimental but in the title does reflect some of things I've been going through recently. There is no text, other than a series of prime numbers in Estonian and Russian in the central section. It's probably nonsense but I'd be interested in seeing if anyone manages to get something out of it! And unlike most of my works, it won't detain you very long


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  • This is a tough one for me. I can honestly say I don’t understand it, nor do I enjoy it. However, it made me feel nostalgic. Suddenly, I remembered sitting in the chapel of the conservatory 40 years ago. It was an old monastery, and the former chapel was used for concerts. I was listening to contemporary music composed by a young musician. A pianist was playing what seemed like random notes, while a soprano softly lamented—about her life, I suppose, or the pianist, or perhaps even the food at the conservatory’s restaurant. I don’t know. I couldn’t understand what she was saying, and the audience wasn’t expected to interfere.

    How fast life goes. Enjoy your life, people—it’s over before you know it.

  • I'm not sure if I understand it or like it either but it is what it is -- possibly some people who don't usually like my music will find this intriguing and those who do won't like it. Perhaps it's really a meditation on the transience of life --something which has also been preoccupying me of late.

    • You sound a little down. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe it's just my annoyingly cheerful self. Anyway, have a great day!

    • Hi Rowy --well there have been a few things going on recently -- thanks for your concern. But a public forum is not the place to discuss all that (there's an email address on my Reelcrafter page just in case you want to chat that way). By the way, it's good to be cheerful. It's also my nature though it sometimes doesn't seem that way....


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