This forum seems to have gone completely to sleep -- either the participants aren't writing anything (and most members are making no contribution at all) or they don't want to share what they're doing. I have yet to start on a new work but perhaps to get the ball rolling again (or maybe not), I'd ask folk who have 40' to spare to listen to my first string quintet. Basically because it's probably my favourite chamber work. It was inspired by the mighty Schubert string quintet and at times, in its mood and melodically, it pays homage to him although there are many points of difference. Nevertheless, this work is among the more "classical" in spirit if you count late Schubert or late Beethoven as classical which many would dispute.
Just look for it from this link (bit more than half way down between the piano quartet and quintets)
I've been busy with things other than music, sadly to say. Hence the silence. I do have a WIP fugue but haven't been able to work on it much. Well actually, I have several WIP fugues, but most of them are on the backburner at the moment. This one is more promising, but haven't had time to work on it.
P. S. In general, though, the life and death of this forum shouldn't depend on a single fugologist, so... what gives? :-P
Always nice to hear from you, HS, even if, as you know, I'm no fugologist! Of course this forum has always ebbed and flowed a bit and because it is specifically for composers will never get the traffic which a more general music enthusiast one will generate but on the other hand, I'm not quite sure I see the reason for joining something like this and not contributing. Perhaps I'm just naive...
We've had that issue since the times of the old forum. Many more members signed up than actively participated. In fact, this seems to be a common trend in online forums.