Ahmed Khan

Someone in the upper echelons should probably check out Ahmed Khan, whose friend request message veers several miles into "spam bot" territory. I accepted purely to see was in their profile.

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  • Yeah that account hasn't posted anything but has sent out disproportionately many friend requests. I fear it may be a spambot setting up contacts to later target for spam. Or increasing the impression of being a well liked forum member.

    It would be nice for Ahmed to speak up if he's a real person, so that we can know that he's not a spambot in disguise.

    • The friend request message was something like "I urgently need to talk to you, here is my email address" but now I can't see it. 100% bot or spam. Or into microtonal music or something equally foul ;)

    • Hey now, I did experiment with microtonality at one time, but that didn't give me an especially strong feeling of urgency to befriend you. wink


    • I remember. I said it just to vex you. You DISGUST me! Stick to purely tonal music like the lord our god intended! wink

  • I ignore friend requests from people I don't know, especially if they have made no contribution to the forum. This was an obvious such case.

  • Now I'm wondering why he didn't want me as a friend. When even spammers are starting to ignore you...

    • I could do without that kind of attention, lol laughing

  • by the way, as Kara seems to be in Togo and Lome, the place given by another of our spammers is also, it wouldn't greatly surprise me if it's one and the same person.

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