All Discussions (17)

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I have been away, and not reading my forums, so I didn't know that this one had disappeared, however briefly. I've been doing some reconnecting and rejoined yesterday. I thought I would post something for you. I recently completed my fourth symphony,

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36 Replies · Reply by David Feb 14
Views: 289

Mixed Media Anthology

Hi! I am a junor in highschool and I am working on a piano piece for a mixed media anthology! I am almost done but I would love to have feedback on what I can do to improve it. To be honest, I don't have any prior knowledge with composing nor music t

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6 Replies · Reply by Ivor Feb 4
Views: 121


I've been mentioning in another discussion that I went through a period during the pandemic, writing what I called postcards, usually pieces that fit on a half a sheet of paper, then posting scrolling videos on Facebook. During that time, I was teach

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Views: 31

The War Against the Machines

This piece is my attempt at making a thrilling battle score! I tried to keep momentum going as the battle mounts, and took the feedback I've been given here to keep some recurring references to motifs throughout, but with some variations! Overall I'm

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Views: 27

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