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Sandy's Gentler Side

Two minutes of piano in the style of an early period Bill Evans ballad. This is a composite of two takes.... the last six seconds are cut in from an alternate where I played the runs cleaner than the original. Thank you in advance for listening.  --R

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7 Replies · Reply by Jon Corelis Jan 1
Views: 70

For Mezzo and Orchestra

Been reworking some items in the pending tray.

This is a bit modern. Duration 6 minutes. I was thinking of it opening a suite of 3 pieces for mezzo / orchestra. I'm stuck on a slow movement at the mo - and this is a "style" I've been trying to break f

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4 Replies · Reply by Ivor Dec 29, 2023
Views: 57

Symphony: Solar Maximum

I am new to Composer's Forum and eager to begin to share my work with other musicians. One of my latest pieces is a new five movement symphony based on our sun's current solar maximum. The five movements are titled: Solar Flares, Solar Corona, Solar

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27 Replies · Reply by HS Teoh Dec 21, 2023
Views: 164

Come Africa 2

I hope this is not too much too soon, but I'd love to hear from you folks what you think of a piece of mine based on African folk tunes, that I call Come Africa 2. (Yes, there is a Come Africa 1 as well.)

I have enjoyed writing pieces based on old tra

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2 Replies · Reply by Ken Lindner Dec 14, 2023
Views: 39

The Journey Continues

Hello all! I've been working on this song the past couple days...and today I finally brought it to this state in which I am comfortable sharing it! I would love some feedback. To me, it personally feels like the most adventurous piece I have composed

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1 Reply · Reply by Rowy Dec 10, 2023
Views: 27

The Society

I come tonight with another piece! This one is shorter, possibly more in-line with being a theme song for a show or game. I wanted to do something like a theme for a secret organization. Possibly secret agents or other mysterious persons. In the end,

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6 Replies · Reply by Layne Lee Dec 8, 2023
Views: 41

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