A tonal piece based on an unusual mode inspired by Peter Mennin.
It was more a technical exercise but not being as clever as Mennin I had to reject all but the slow movement (submitted here). It's also more true to the mode.
Hallo, I just wrote these variations on a beautiful early Beethoven piano draft. Please share with me your thoughts. Till next week I may present to you also the notes ...
I submitted an earlier version of this quartet some time ago on the earlier forum but it needed trimming down a bit. It comes from a more tonal era (for me).
It's four short impressions of a small tropical town for flute, cor anglais, clar
In the last 2 weeks I had the joy to find an uncompleted draft by Mahler for a Scherzo in c-minor - of course I could not resist and made an attempt to complete it - what do you think?
This arose one evening at a Dartington summer school when three of us were left with nothing much to do so we decided just to write a two or three part fugue, see how we got on.
I confess to being a contrarian and an iconoclast, which is reflected in this latest fugue of mine, in ways that should be readily apparent to the listener. Or so I hope. :-D I have a lot to say about this offering totally not in the spirit of Octob
Recently composed, I've truncated to just on 6 minutes.
It's an impressionist piece (fairly tonal but modern). The story is about a male and female out in a desert region late in the afternoon, gradually admitting a fondness for each other.