Anyone here live near Colorado State University? They're putting on a concert of British string works this Sunday and including my tone poem Hiraeth. They paid for the score and parts and everything.
Full details here.
Hiraeth itself can be heard here.
Congratulations, Dave- It's a beautiful piece and deserves to be heard. I'm on the East Coast, so it's quite a distance from me, but I'm thrilled for your success and to see it.
This is great, Dave! Well deserved! A wonderful performance through Parma, as well. Your piece gives me a similar feeling of the V Williams Tallis theme (which I love), but it is all your own, with some interesting harmonic shifts. Kudos!
As I've said before I'm pretty allergic to English pastoralism and especially The Lark Ascending but this is certainly beautifully written and the tune heard at 1'50" has a certain touching nobility. I can see this piece doing well and hope the performance is a success.
Terrific Mate. You deserve it, I hope the performance goes well. Will it be recorded?
You must feel very proud, and so you should. I like Hiraeth and its quality. It made me even curious about the works by the other composers listed on the cover of Sparks 2. I guess you must prefer the company of equals, or did someone else select the other compositions? Anyway, you belong up there. Many congratulations.