It's getting busy here

Almost 30 members. it's getting busy here. I can't possibly remember all the names, let alone the things they stand for. Maybe I should put their photos on a whiteboard, like detectives do when they're trying to solve a crime. I will make notes like "intellectual, proceed with caution" or "music too good, probably stolen" and draw a line between the notes and the photos with a red marker. It's almost like Cluedo. Who is most likely to kill the forum?

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  • you will find plenty of stolen themes in my output. Unfortunately, Cinderella is one work where you'll need to draw a blank.

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    • The quote "lesser artists borrow, great artists steal" is generally attributed to Stravinsky. But actually said it. 

    • ...expect a letter from my lawyer.

    • Now, since Elliot and Stravinsky were contemporaries, I'm unclear on exactly who was imitating whom, but the quip is sharp enough, I suspect Mark Twain was probably behind it. The origin of nearly every clever remark made in history can ultimately be traced to Twain.


    • It was so sad when Mark Twain's drummer died.

    • one of his rare misjudgements. Perhaps if he'd said that about Bach, we might have had some common ground cool.


    • Hey Jon. Came across this, "It turns out that Twain didn’t say or write this. In his autobiography, he quoted this as coming from the younger humorist Edgar Wilson, a.k.a. Bill Nye (1850-1896). Over the years, people became confused and attributed it to Twain himself, probably because the Man in the White Suit cited it approvingly in his memoir."

      But also adds, "No matter what he might have thought about the sounds created by the composer, however, Twain freely admitted to fascination with the stagecraft of the German's overwhelming musical theater works: “One of the most engaging spectacles in the world is a Wagner opera force marching on to the stage, with its music braying and its banners flying.”

      In light of this idea, some composer, can't remember who, said something like, "It looks a lot better on paper (than its 'sound')."  laughing

    • As someone once said to an aspiring Bach student: "that's an imitation fugue!"


    • Isn't that a dad joke? Or a pun? Nevertheless, about your reply, I copied that.

    • It's a pun. When you say something is an imitation, it means it's a fake or a knock-off. However, one of the core ideas in a fugue is imitative counterpoint: the voices imitate each other in stating the subject, countersubject, etc.. So a genuine fugue is supposed to be constructed from imitation.


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