
  •  every time you manage to produce something quite different so I always look forward to a new work of yours. I'm not sure it was particularly to my taste earlier on but the haunting atmosphere from 5'46" started to grip me around mid way through and after that didn't let go -- this is really very imaginative.

    • Hi David:  Thanks so much for listening and your very kind remarks.  The material beginnig at 5'46" was actually a late addition to the piece.  It felt like there was a hole there that needed to be filled.  I'm delighted that it spoke to you.  

      • interesting that this passage from 5'46" was an afterthought. Certainly a very nice one!


  •  A most accomplished piece and frankly the mood of night was immediate to me. Unseen things stirring. Great string sound and rendering. This could pass as a live performance on a recording. There were just moment when things were VERY quiet that 'gave the game away'.

    What I particularly liked was the impression of 'through composed'.   I haven't looked at the score in enough detail to see if there's a thematic structure running throughout - so the unpredictability was fascinating and engaging.   Even more so that the 9 minutes was up all too quickly.

    Brilliant, if I may say so.

    bests, Ivor

    • Hi Ivor:  Thank you for your enthusiatic response to my music.  Thanks as well for your comments regarding the MIDI render.  One of my goals for this piece was to get better on the production side of the creative process.  It feels like I spent almost as much time composing the performance as I did composing the music.  I am very pleased that you found it effective.


  • Thumbs up! (I couldn't find the emoji.)

    I enjoy the free counterpoint, but I wonder why you always cut it short (being a sucker for free counterpoint myself).


    • Thanks for the "thumbs up", Rowy!  I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.  I'm sorry that I don't have a very insightful reply to your observation about the counterpoint; the best I've got is sometimes it just plays out that way. 

      Best Wishes 


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