At the suggestion of several members, I have added some requisite screening questions for newly registering members. Registrants' responses will remain private.



Peter Iverson posted a discussion
Triptych for Bb Trumpet and Piano.  Transposing score, no key signature.  Lost in no-man's-land, sorrounded by Haydn, Alban and Miles.  Guidance gratefully accepted. Triptych.mp3Triptych.pdf
10 minutes ago
Saul Gefen replied to Saul Gefen's discussion Fantasy In D flat major for Solo Piano
"Thanks a lot Wesley!"
Wesley Rogers replied to Saul Gefen's discussion Fantasy In D flat major for Solo Piano
"Well, this is beautiful and outstanding!
Saul Gefen posted a discussion
Latest work, Fantasy In D Flat Major Saul Gefen · Fantasy In D Flat Major
Wesley Rogers posted a discussion
Has anyone here by chance read a book called Blink: How to Think without Thinking? Joel McNeely said it helped him get faster in churning it out. Of course that doesn't mean it will work for everyone, and I'm kinda busy to be taking on a new book,…
HS Teoh replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"See, you can one-up Compressorhead. They have robot players but human composers (and programmers); now you can start a competing band with both robot players and robot composers! ;-)
David Lilly replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"Dang, someone beat me to it!
But I was thinking more along the lines of starting a 'band' that churns out very generic but catchy and effective songs, all while there really aren't any living, breathing members in the band or even writing the music.…"
David replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"just as well El Niño is ending, isn't it
But some good points there.
Wesley Rogers replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"I hope you're right, but AI seems to be progressing like a California forest fire during El Niño. And just this morning someone on Reddit, who was joking, but still, said that I must have used AI to write my 572 book on timpani scoring. Like I said,…"
HS Teoh replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"Maybe I'll start an "AI band."
You mean something like this? ;-)
My standpoint remains on the side that tries to avoid any naive views out of bias and inherent hatred of the tech.
I do not have any hatred of the tech. My main motivation is…"
David Lilly replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"Perhaps in classical or contemporary pieces the AI is incapable of drawing a convincing or interesting structure. But . . . what about pop / mainstream music?
Structure in that regard is a piece of cake. I just "made" a convincing satirical pop-punk…"
David replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"Couldn't agree more with these points.
Rowy replied to Dave Dexter's discussion I'm on the radio soon. Bonzer!
"I'm studying TCL/TK. I've decided to challenge the AI experts with a combination of AI and an expert system. For that purpose, I need 100 compositions in my own steady style in midi. I'm almost there. As you might have guessed, I'm getting a bit…"
David replied to Dave Dexter's discussion I'm on the radio soon. Bonzer!
"no, do tell!
Rowy replied to Dave Dexter's discussion I'm on the radio soon. Bonzer!
"It's the same in all forums. It was even like that in the old newsgroups and bulletin boards. There's always a small band of people who post regularly and keep a forum alive. That doesn't mean the rest of the members aren't interested. As for…"
HS Teoh replied to John Driscoll's discussion Udio AI - Short Opera Scene in the Style of Richard Strauss
"From what I've heard, AI is able to ape the style of a handful of famous composers but cannot yet at any rate recapture the spark which makes the better works from such composers immortal. Especially structurally, they seem to be all over the place.…"

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  • Indeed, it has been solved. Thanks for the prompt response!
  • HS, I believe I've isolated the HTML issue mentioned, and I believe it's now resolved. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  • Thanks HS. I'll investigate the matter.
  • Hmm, interesting. I just noticed that replies under the Discussion Forum do allow full HTML capabilities, but replies under Analysis & Critique don't. Maybe this is a section-specific setting that needs to be toggled?
  • It's been a while since somebody wrote something here. So I thought I'd bring up this request to allow links and attachments in comments, not just in posts. It would make it easier to have in-depth discussions without needing to create a new thread every time somebody wants to attach something to illustrate their ideas.
  • ok - that sounds like a good setting so will be interesting to see what the explanation (if any) is.
  • David, puzzling, because the site's settings at present bar members who aren't "friended" from sending private messages. I'll look into it.
  • As newest member Erica Woodward sent a message to at least one member wanting to urgently discuss something privately, it is to suspected that we have another spammer. If I remember correctly, on the old forum, prospective members had to submit a couple of sentences (which weren't posted publicly) explaining why they wanted to join the forum. I suspect spambots and others who are not serious about contributing would fall at this hurdle and I suggest something like this for possible consideration by the membership.
  • It seems the consensus was reaching a crescendo, so I had to dust off the Gold Codes:)
  • Anyone else having issues posting links/embeds in replies? I can't for the life of me get them to work in responding to Rowy's Halloween thread... I just get an error message each time. Seems to work ok posting a new thread?
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