This forum seems to have gone completely to sleep -- either the participants aren't writing anything (and most members are making no contribution at all) or they don't want to share what they're doing. I have yet to start on a new work but perhaps to get the ball rolling again (or maybe not), I'd ask folk who have 40' to spare to listen to my first string quintet. Basically because it's probably my favourite chamber work. It was inspired by the mighty Schubert string quintet and at times, in its mood and melodically, it pays homage to him although there are many points of difference. Nevertheless, this work is among the more "classical" in spirit if you count late Schubert or late Beethoven as classical which many would dispute.
Just look for it from this link (bit more than half way down between the piano quartet and quintets)
I'm going to look a bit silly, though. I already wear parsley in my ears to protect me from 5G radiation.
didn't know about that one. I'll remember to put more often parsley in my curries like last night. On the other hand, as I hardly ever use a mobile phone, my risk there is probably below average.
Interesting post. Here’s some perspective, and one of the reasons I really don’t have much desire to participate in this particular forum much anymore;
You claim there’s nothing to gain from this forum, yet here you are again, delivering the same smug detachment and condescension. For someone who insists they “don’t write for composers,” you seem really invested in asserting authority over them. After reading your posts here—and across many other forums too—it’s hard not to eventually feel sorry for you. Because where does this sense of entitlement come from? Where does your self-assumed superiority originate? It suggests an underlying frustration— a sense of insecurity-one that becomes obvious in your dismissive attitude toward others. Even if you were a teacher at some point, I would wager you probably weren’t a very effective one if this is how you treated your students. You really don’t offer genuine guidance—only criticism wrapped in a need to assert dominance. Many of your posts are an eye rolling exercise in passive aggressively attempting to undermine and/or humiliate a fellow human being. And why? For what? Hint: the answer isn't to gain insight/clarity. I used to be that way too when I was younger, wrote worse music- and it didn’t take me lifetime to realize the person I sought to help most was myself.
The real issue here is resentment. You claim to have a strong theoretical background, I believe that, yet your work remains largely unknown. You share little to nothing of your work on a forum for composers. And rather than engaging with peers constructively, you retreat into self-importance, blaming “egotistical men” for why your compositions have never gained the recognition you feel they deserve. But the reality is simpler: mastery of theory is not a substitute for compelling artistry. The best composers, regardless of gender, are more than technicians. If your audience is as small as you imply, perhaps the real problem isn’t external forces but…?
Forums don’t “go dark” because of eager beginners seeking feedback. One reason they go dark is because of toxic elitism—because people like you make them unwelcoming. When aspiring musicians encounter figures who sneer instead of nurture, it discourages them from engaging at all. Your refusal to acknowledge the value of artistic development doesn’t make you wise; it reveals an insecurity that has obviously manifested.
No one knows who you are, your background, or your body of work, and that clearly bothers you. And so, here you remain, offering “guidance” no one really asked for while lamenting that no one values your music. That’s one reason why people leave forums.
I wrote a lengthy reply a day or two ago that I subsequently deleted. But in a nutshell, I'm still here on this forum because, being a closet composer for decades, I had reached the point where I simply couldn't hold it in anymore -- I needed feedback of some form, even if it is to confirm the fatalistic accusations of my inner critic -- and that was when I found the earlier incarnation of this forum. It has made a huge difference in my musical output, and that is why I remain to this day. At least at *some* point one could post to this forum, or some incarnation of it thereof, without having feminist agenda being shoved down their throat and being told that they are stupid men who are too stupid to compose because they had the audacity to choose a more practical line of education in order to survive in the modern world and have a stable source of income to sustain their musical pursuits, rather than give themselves to a career of unclear prospects that may break the bank and ultimately hinder their musical inclinations.
OK, that was what I wrote and deleted because it was probably too cruelly worded. :-D But at any rate, I'm still here, and plan to continue posting music whenever I can. It's just that recently I've been too busy with non-musical stuff to work on my WIP fugue, otherwise I'd be posting more music and participating more actively here.
eh? As far as I can see, Rowy is not particularly secretive about herself -- it's all on the website including a number of works for keyboard and strings and a lot of free educational material. It may be you don't understand her very Dutch sense of ironic humour but the above seems to be going a bit far, don't you think?
Nope, not at all. I'm aware of her website and some material.
You must be an American. I guess you're having problems with my style. You're not the first one. I once had an American friend who came to visit me in the Netherlands (that's in Europe). I had to warn her because my Dutch friends were starting to get annoyed. Everything she saw, heard, touched, or ate was awesome, wonderful, amazing! My friends thought she was being sarcastic. On the other hand, my American friend thought we were very harsh to each other. I guess it's a cultural thing.
Not only are you an American (and I feel sorry for you, having an orange turd for a president), but you're also an amateur composer. Now, there's nothing wrong with being an amateur. Since my retirement, I'm an amateur too, and I'm really enjoying myself.
Why am I in this forum? Like I wrote before—several times, in fact—just to amuse myself. I don't need attention. I'm not interested in what you think of me, my music, or my country. There are some fine people here, and occasionally, I read something interesting. Not musically, but on a personal level. People reveal a lot about themselves, even in just a couple of sentences, especially when they are projecting.
I've met amateur composers like you before. Some were just confused, others lacked talent, and one, an American, was a real drama. He had been writing music for over 25 years. Every conductor he spoke to, every musician—they all told him his music was awesome, wonderful, amazing! Yet, not a single one wanted to play or conduct it. He asked me to look at his scores. Perhaps I could tell him if there was any room for improvement. He told me to be honest.
He told me, a Dutchy, to be honest. I practically destroyed him—not on purpose, though. Back then, I had little experience with Americans. I simply did what I was used to: I told him the truth. He did not accept that. He kept insisting that very experienced, highly trained musicians in America had all told him his music was really good. Then he started questioning my background. He even became offensive. All of this, just because not a single American had been honest with him. Well, not my problem. I told him to find another hobby.
You see what I'm doing here? I'm having a good time. It's a pity I have to write in English—my Dutch is much more sophisticated.
Where were we? Ah, the orange turd… No, I mean, you're an American. Nope, that's not it either… Whatever, my favorite crime series is coming on, so I'll leave it there. Have a nice day.
Thank you for only further proving my point. I think you're a very lonely, frustrated person—you can argue that all you want or make up whatever cute story you like, but this alone has convinced me for a lifetime that anything you write only serves to help you cope with deeply rooted problems.
Resorting to nationalism and racism instead of addressing the actual discussion only reinforces my point. (Yes, because people are definitely eager to join a forum where we belittle complete strangers based on their nationality...) You're not here for music, to help anyone, or to offer meaningful discourse—something you pretty much never did in the first place. You're just here to project bitterness. You have hate that needs somewhere to go, and unfortunately for the people here, forums like this have become your outlet.
The music you write, the "information" on your page, and the few theoretical tidbits you bother to share are nothing more than what someone could parrot back after reading the first 16 chapters of Tonal Harmony. You are not above, better than, or smarter than any other member here.
The real tragedy here isn’t me, amateur composers, or American leadership—it’s how much self-hatred you’ve let fester to the point that people can read it and only feel sorry for you. I'm sorry things didn’t work out.
the actual discussion, in case you've forgotten, was supposed to be about my string quintet. At least Rowy actually addressed that even if she doesn't think it's one of my better efforts -- which is of course her prerogative. I have a nasty feeling that this forum will never get back to actually discussing music....
Well, you did want discussion, did you not? I'm sorry this spat is hijacking your thread, David, but perhaps we should rip the band-aid off. Let's face it—when prospective forum members read ridiculously condescending crap like this,
They are not going to be motivated to share work, hop into a discussion, or engage with such idiocy. I know Rowy is appreciative of your works, and that's great, but do not let that cloud your opinion on how other composers, lurking members, or active members might feel when reading nonsense like this. The text above is eye-rolling in its approach. The sad part is, if Rowy has half the musical genius knowledge and talent she seems to think she has, she would be smart enough to contribute very meaningful, theoretically based constructive criticism instead of being an A-hole half the time and blaming it on being "Dutch." Sorry, that's not a free pass to be a d*ckhead whenever you like (hence why she usually ends up banned from half the forums she joins). Do you see a pattern?