String quintet no.1

This forum seems to have gone completely to sleep -- either the participants aren't writing anything (and most members are making no contribution at all) or they don't want to share what they're doing. I have yet to start on a new work but perhaps to get the ball rolling again (or maybe not), I'd ask folk who have 40' to spare to listen to my first string quintet. Basically because it's probably my favourite chamber work. It was inspired by the mighty Schubert string quintet and at times, in its mood and melodically, it pays homage to him although there are many points of difference. Nevertheless, this work is among the more "classical" in spirit if you count late Schubert or late Beethoven as classical which many would dispute.

Just look for it from this link (bit more than half way down between the piano quartet and quintets)

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    • I regret ever participating in this thread, and probably will regret writing this as well, but this is exactly the kind of spat that brought down the old forum.  Members have disagreements, fine, we're all human.  But then disagreement devolved into argument, argument into flame war, and flame war into deep-seated acrimony that never got resolved.  Disgruntled members left and set up their own spaces, but lacking in numbers said spaces did not last long.  The original forum turned into a kind of echo chamber for those who wanted to feel good about themselves, under a leadership with a convincing front but with rather unscrupulous methods of handling conflicts.  Eventually, said leadership just up and left without a word.  No forewarning, nothing, the forum just vanished into the ether without explanation (that I know of -- I was busy at the time and wasn't actively participating).

      That was when this present incarnation of the forum came about.  I hoped that with the fresh start we could leave the old acrimony behind, but I guess there is just no avoiding conflict in any human community of any size.

      Anyway, I'm already regretting writing this, it's just off-topic discussion taking up space in a thread that's supposed to be about your string quintet.  I really should find a time to listen to it for real and actually participate constructively, than to continue this off-topic downward spiral.  Can't really promise right now, but I will try.

    • yes there were one or two nasty arguments last forum incarnation but at least there was also quite a lot of music posted and a surprising amount which I enjoyed listening to and which at times I found inspiring. That's all but vanished here. Incidentally, in answer to David's point, what Rowy might think of my music does not influence my reaction to her posts which I am treating as being largely tongue-in-cheek. Perhaps you know something I don't (a lot of talk about being banned from other forums-- which-- why?) but I react only to what I read and try to read between the lines.


    • David, if you read between the lines of Rowy’s comment (And most of that post, for the matter), “I’m mainly here for the entertainment. A funny anecdote would be nice,” it becomes clear that she views herself as being on a higher level than others in the forum. She essentially admits that she is here to laugh at the amateur work, rather than engage in meaningful discussion. She perpetually contributes narcissistic stories of yesteryear that don't offer much practical musical insight. By claiming that offering feedback would be offensive, she distances herself from contributing anything constructive, yet has shared only a single piece of music (maybe two) in the forum’s history. Maybe, just maybe, it's out of fear of tipping her hand that she isn't as impressive as her attitude attempts to convince others of. (Maybe she's trying to It's about her lack of genuine involvement, insightful feedback, or willingness to support the community. Thousands of prospective members could read material like that, see the ego, immediately see through the ego, and decide "Nope, that's not something I want to be a part of, nothing meaningful here" It is vitriol, only self serving, and yes; I'm meeting it with more vitriol, but we wanted to open the door as to why people may not participate, and this is one hard truth that is true. It's one reason that personally am not motivated to participate- because attitudes like that are tolerated and present. 

    • <“I’m mainly here for the entertainment. A funny anecdote would be nice,” it becomes clear that she views herself as being on a higher level than others in the forum. She essentially admits that she is here to laugh at the amateur work, rather than engage in meaningful discussion.>

      How weird. I like to be entertained, and that proves I view myself as being on a higher level than others? I essentially admit that I'm here to laugh at the amateur work? You haven't noticed any engagement by me in meaningful discussion?

      Right, got it. Have a nice day.

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