Does anyone resonate or identify with the way of composing described in this video -
If anyone would like to participate in this journey in any way (details in the video), it would be great to hear from you. If not, hopefull, we'll have more videos coming soon. My next couple will probably be around Composers' Block and Dealing with Criticism. Any input/experiences you'd like to share with me in advance of making these would be really helpful.
The way like to think of it is, these theoretical things are tools for you to employ. Use them when they are helpful, but don't let yourself become a tool to the tools. 😜
Thank you, Dave. Yes, I'm still so new at this so I'm open to trying all sorts of things and seeing how they fit for me and which composing style emerges as the one that works best for me. As you say, I'm not wanting to restrict myself in any way at this point. I took Rowy's message just as a strong statement of how he prefers to work, offered helpfully. I don't think he expected me to take it as a litterally as an instruction.
Funny how people automatically assume that someone with formal training must be a man.
Apologies for the assumption, Rowy (it didn't have anything to do with formal training - just overwhelming social conditioning probably. This is a healthy lesson to be more conscious and aware). I've really appreciated all your input and should have at least checked your profile. Forgive me.