For what I believe to be quite obvious reasons, I am reluctant to accept this petition for new membership. I'll invite the group to vote on this one. Please opine and justify your answer:)
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Other than the fact that this name is synonymous with a well-known clothes chain, I'm not sure of the particular reason here -- I may have missed something. Why not start with Ronald Morris which is a well-known spammer identity from W. Africa (the profile even says Lome) and who has tried to get just about every member to be a friend, presumably to enable sending PM's. I suspect that if it was compulsory for every potential member to write a brief explanation of why they wanted to join, it would stop the spambots more or less stone dead.
It may be of course that our Ronald Morris is perfectly genuine in which case I invite him to confirm this with a few words on his musical background.
Ah yes, good catch. I completely overlooked Ronald Morris, as the innocuous sounding name didn't present any red flags. You can always drop me a message as you notice these things - in particular, accounts who participate in no discussions, offer no music, and petition frienships indiscriminately.
I would recommend that members decline friendship offers from those who have not participated, because it's almost certainly a ploy to gain private messaging privileges.
Dorothy Perkins, on the other hand.. will Louis Vuitton and Calvin Klein be the next esteemed members to join our company?
David > Kristofer EmerigFebruary 11, 2024 at 6:54am
so it is the clothes thing! It is pretty suspicious but it could just be a joke of course. I'm not sure. Unfortunately there are more than a few members who have as yet offered no music or comments. Some of course may be just passive members which is fine in my book but it would be nice to see a higher percentage actively contributing even if, like me, they just talk nonsense.
I'm more the "man in the streets" type, myself. I was really hoping to see Levi Strauss make a showing here. Plus, I have some nagging questions about the structural logic of Death and Transfiguration.
HS Teoh > Kristofer EmerigFebruary 11, 2024 at 5:58pm
I was hoping more for the likes of Colonel Sanders to show up and send me free offers of crispy poultry... 😉
Other than the fact that this name is synonymous with a well-known clothes chain, I'm not sure of the particular reason here -- I may have missed something. Why not start with Ronald Morris which is a well-known spammer identity from W. Africa (the profile even says Lome) and who has tried to get just about every member to be a friend, presumably to enable sending PM's. I suspect that if it was compulsory for every potential member to write a brief explanation of why they wanted to join, it would stop the spambots more or less stone dead.
It may be of course that our Ronald Morris is perfectly genuine in which case I invite him to confirm this with a few words on his musical background.Ah yes, good catch. I completely overlooked Ronald Morris, as the innocuous sounding name didn't present any red flags. You can always drop me a message as you notice these things - in particular, accounts who participate in no discussions, offer no music, and petition frienships indiscriminately.
I would recommend that members decline friendship offers from those who have not participated, because it's almost certainly a ploy to gain private messaging privileges.
Dorothy Perkins, on the other hand.. will Louis Vuitton and Calvin Klein be the next esteemed members to join our company?
so it is the clothes thing! It is pretty suspicious but it could just be a joke of course. I'm not sure. Unfortunately there are more than a few members who have as yet offered no music or comments. Some of course may be just passive members which is fine in my book but it would be nice to see a higher percentage actively contributing even if, like me, they just talk nonsense.
I have seen her profile on other NING forums. One is blank, another promotes hcg injections = spammer.
aawww, I was hoping to get the wife some cheap clothes for her birthday.
I'm hoping Charles Tyrwhitt joins and posts some work. I could do with a posh new shirt so favourable comments await him from me.
I'm more the "man in the streets" type, myself. I was really hoping to see Levi Strauss make a showing here. Plus, I have some nagging questions about the structural logic of Death and Transfiguration.
I was hoping more for the likes of Colonel Sanders to show up and send me free offers of crispy poultry... 😉
Ah, Colonel Zanders.. I have no idea how he managed to oversee the BSO's sublime performance of Beethoven's 5th without betraying his secret recipe.
Well, I would have thought the 2nd movement of Saint-Saëns' Carnival would have been a more ... convincing choice in this context. 😛