Just a way of introducing myself. On the old forum I was known as Dane - my stage name for a long time - times that fade increasingly into the past so I'll use my "real name" here (which means having my user id changing if that's possible.
This short piece is representative in a way, semi-tonal, through-composed; lyrical (I hope) but without formal melody, making the best of samples at my disposal.
It was writtin in 2020 so it's done and dusted so I'm not soliciting crits here although any comment will always be gratefully received.
Thank you if you can give it a listen - but I hope to submit something new fairly soon.
All the best.
If I where you I'd get someone to programme it with top of the range samples and then get a soprano to record over it. I think it's worth the effort because it feels good to me on one hearing and deserves to be musically fully realised and also because poor demos tend to go against composers chances of live performance.
The composition followed no procedure - I could hear it vividly in my mind but writing it out was difficult.
Inspired by that mezzo voice. That and the coloratura from VSL really grabbed me, limited as the offerings were. I decided to write more for this mezzo.
I rarely get involved with "theory" and structure now. I did study theory at school which was a waste of time as I'd previously studied Kitson Part III while in a choir. School enormously limited what was allowed in 4-pqrt harmony. I'd also worked through species counterpoint.
The only time composition seemed more restrictive was at college which I left prematurely.
So now my efforts are recognisably "disrupted tonality"!
Again, thank you.