Music for Orchestra - Peggy's Garden

I haven’t been in for a while, initially having to do a revision/update course for work (a boring month if ever).   Now VSL has broken down for no apparent reason and I’m still getting help.  Lucky my income isn’t relying on it.


“Peggy’s Garden” is one of a suite of pieces based on a book. This number was thankfully finished just before the VSL breakdown.

A very basic synopsis: A young man, 25, is offered a beach home in a small town so he can complete some work in peace and quiet. He happens upon a woman, 34, to whom he’s hugely attracted. The story is about their growing fondness for each other, apprehension, gradual admission until final surrender. Her home (based roughtly on Thomas Glover's timber house in Nagasaki) has a large garden of intertwoven paths curving this way and that between raised flower beds, shrubs, a small fountain. Early evening.  This piece tries to catch its mood..(The story also goes into low-level botanical science fiction but that’s an aside here.)


Other pieces have been competed but I’m now stymied to work on anything new except in a piano track until VSL is sorted out.

 Please feel free to criticise as you will. It’s modern, sometimes concordant.  Any criticism would be gratefully received.

 Thank you,


MusOrchXVI defin-evening PEGGYS GDN 070724 160.mp3

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