I confess to being a contrarian and an iconoclast, which is reflected in this latest fugue of mine, in ways that should be readily apparent to the listener. Or so I hope. :-D I have a lot to say about this offering totally not in the spirit of October, but will refrain and let the music speak for itself.
Comments, criticisms, flames, hate mail, are duly accepted.
Score: [PDF]
MIDI rendering: [MP3]
P.S. updated the score, just realized there were some (minor) notational guffaws.
Nice one! Lively, positive, uplifting. I appreciate the skills that go into writing fugues but alas lack them except for a single attempt which I might offer up here.
Looking at your score it looks far from easy to play but can be managed with two hands with a bit of careful trickery like playing the mddle part with just the thumbs here and there.
A lot of fun, HS! Energetic, with some wry humor thrown in
Thanks for the compliment, Gx; I'm glad at least one person caught on to the humor. 😂 This is the first time in my fugues where I have subject entries that are an 8th note off-beat. The result was unexpectedly humorous, which I capitalized on especially in the second section of the piece to create a feeling of tripping over one's feet and barely holding it together. And of course, the obligatory Mozart's Musical Joke style discordant cadences that the music tries to plaster over with a straight face. 😜